Osteopath in Chagford
Our mission: functional health and wellbeing for people of all ages.
At Chagford Osteopathy we are dedicated to helping relieve symptoms of musculoskeletal pain in order to restore optimal function.
Improve Your Quality of Life
Located at 2 Ellis Drive in Chagford, we provide bespoke osteopathic treatments to help with a wide range of musculoskeletal symptoms and medical conditions in addition to sports and remedial massage, postural and workstation assessments, gut biome testing and much more to help support overall health and wellbeing.
How can osteopathy help you?
Osteopathy helps assess, diagnose and treat musculoskeletal disorders of:
head & neck,
hips & legs,
hands & feet,
spine & lower back,
shoulders & arms,
strains & sprains,
small joint conditions,
pregnancy-related symptoms.
A unique feature of osteopathy is its holistic approach to the assessment, treatment and management of musculoskeletal conditions and symptoms to promote healing and recovery.
This is achieved by undertaking an assessment of the affected area and a summary of previous medical history.
All information is treated in the strictest confidence and we securely store data in accordance with current GDPR guidance.
Covid-19 Safety Guidelines
Our osteopathic practice is open for face-to-face appointments and your safety is our priority.
At Chagford Osteopathy we follow Covid-19 guidance issued by Public Health England (PHE) in addition to guidance from our professional organisations: the Institute of Osteopathy (iO) and General Osteopathic Council (GOsC).
To comply with the guidance please wear an appropriate face covering on arrival, unless exempt, and use the hand sanitiser on entering and leaving.
Prior to your appointment, you will receive a Covid-19 checklist by text or email, to check it is safe for you to attend which helps ensure we keep everyone safe.
Read our patient assurance guide to learn more about the steps we’ve taken to keep our osteopathic practice safe for all staff and patients.